Prisca Barnes
Founder/ CEO
Prisca Barnes founded Storytime Village, Inc. on the premise that reading is a right for every child. And not only is reading a right, but it is also a catalyst to freedom. Without the ability to read, many children find themselves in shackles that bind them to high dropout rates, higher likelihoods of incarceration, and generally bleaker futures.
Prisca is a passionate advocate for equity in education, social justice, and the importance of literacy to further the economic competitiveness of her local community.
After publishing her first children’s book, Prisca became painfully aware of the many underserved children in her local community and state that lacked the quality literacy skills essential for future success in school and life.
Since Storytime Village’s beginning in 2009, she has worked to help underserved children thrive through partnerships that provide early childhood development, family engagement around reading, and access to books. Prisca is especially dedicated to improving the disparities in reading proficiency rates that exist by race and income in her state.